1100 Single Family Residential Homes Used as Such

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Use Codes
The Assessor's Use Lawmaking has been designed for utilize by this department for the purpose of appraising properties for assessment purposes merely.

The Assessor's Function does Not recommend other agencies (Cities, Schoolhouse, Districts, Special Districts, etc.) use these Use Codes for any other purpose and is not responsible for any inaccurate determinations on their part when using these Employ Codes.

Acquirement and Taxation Code Sec. 408.3(d) - The Legislature finds and declares that information concerning property characteristics is maintained solely for cess purposes and is not continuously updated by the assessor. Therefore, neither the county nor the assessor shall incur any liability for errors, omissions, or approximations with respect to property characteristics data provided by the assessor to any political party pursuant to this section. Further, this subdivision shall not be construed to imply liability on the part of the county or the assessor for errors, omissions, or other defects in any other data or records provided by the assessor pursuant to the provisions of this part.

Get-go and 2nd Digit Codes
0x - Serial - Exempt, Not Assessed by County, Mobile Homes and Tracts
Code Description
0300 Exempt Public Agency
0400 Property leased to a public utility
0500 Property owned by a public utility
0600 Mobile home on SFR/rural state
0700 Mobile home in a mobile domicile park
0750 Floating dwelling house
0800 Vacant residential tract lot
0840 Tract land, R&T 402.1
0900 Partially complete residential tract home
0940 Tract residential PC, R&T 402.1
1x - Series - Unmarried Family Residential
Lawmaking Description
yard Vacant residential country, zoned four units or less
1040 Vacant residential state, R&T 402.1
1100 Unmarried family residential homes used every bit such
1101 Medical-Residential Care Facility (SFR/Res Imps)
1120 Residential Imps on Commercial Land
1130 Residential Imps on Industrial Land
1140 Single family residential home, R&T 402.1
1150 Historical residential
1160 Land Trust - residential improve on leased land
1166 Country Trust - common area
1190 Unmarried family residential (tract) common area or apply
1200 Single family unit res home with not-economic second unit of measurement
1201 SFR with junior accompaniment dwelling unit
1300 Single Family unit Res home with slight commercial/ind
1400 Unmarried Family Res - Duet Way
1420 Single Family unit Res - Duet Style, Showtime Sale
1430 Unmarried Family unit Res - Duet Mode, R&T 402.1, First Sale
1440 Single Family Res - Duet Way, R&T 402.ane
1500 Townhouse - Planned Development
1520 Townhouse - Planned Development, First Sale
1530 Townhouse - Planned Development, R&T 402.1, Showtime Sale
1540 Townhouse - Planned Development, R&T 402.one
1590 Townhouse - Planned Development, Common Area or utilise
1600 SFR Detached Site Condominium
1620 SFR Detached Site Condominium, First Sale
1630 SFR Detached Site Condominium, R&T 402.1, Offset Auction
1640 SFR Detached Site Condominium, R&T 402.1
1690 SFR Detached Site Condominium , Common Area or use
1700 Single family unit res home converted to boarding house
1800 SFR - Planned Evolution Tract with Common Area
1820 SFR - Planned Development Tract, Commencement Sale
1830 SFR - Planned Development Tract, R&T 402.1, First Auction
1840 SFR - Planned Development Tract, R&T 402.1
1850 Duet/Duplex/Triplex - Planned Development Tract w/Common Surface area
1860 Duet/Duplex/Triplex - Planned Development Tract, R&T 402.one
1890 SFR - Planned Development Tract, Common Area or use
1900 SFR - Manufactured Habitation (MH on permanent foundation)
1901 Single family unit modular built off site
1950 Non-Condo Live/Work
2x - Series - Multiple Residential, ii-4 Units and Mobile Homes
Code Description
2100 Two, three or four unmarried family unit homes
2200 Double or duplex blazon - two units
2300 Triplex; double or duplex with unmarried family unit domicile
2400 Four living units; e.g. fourplex or triplex west/SFR
2440 Iv residential living units, R&T 402.1
2500 2 units, lesser quality than 2200 or unknown legal
2501 2 units, SFR with attached accessory habitation unit of measurement
2502 2 units, SFR with detached accessory abode unit
2541 2 units, SFR with attached accessory habitation unit of measurement, R&T 402.1
2542 2 units, SFR with detached accessory home unit, R&T 402.1
2600 3 units, lesser quality than 2300 or unknown legal
2700 4 units, lesser quality than 2400 or unknown legal
2800 Res belongings of 2,3 or iv units with rooming house
2900 More than than ane mobile domicile, or One thousand/H w/other res units
3x - Series - Commercial (See also 8X & 9X Series)
Code Description
3000 Vacant commercial land (may include misc. imps)
3100 Single-tenant Retail Store
3120 Commercial Imps on Residential Land
3200 Store/Office with Apts/Lofts
3300 Miscellaneous improved commercial
3400 Section store
3500 National Chain Retailer
3600 Eating place - small or in-line walk-in restaurant / cafe
3605 Restaurant - Free-Standing
3610 Eating house - Fast Food
3620 Bar / Bar with express food service
3700 Shopping Centre-NBHD/Grocery or Retail anchor
3701 Shopping Heart-Community
3702 Shopping Center-Regional Mall
3703 Shopping Eye-NBHD without anchor (strip mall)
3704 Shopping Heart-Power Eye
3705 Shopping Center + Residential + Other
3800 Supermarket
3900 Condominium-commercial retail
3990 Condominium-commercial retail, common area or use
4x - Series - Industrial
Code Description
4000 Vacant industrial land (may include misc. imps)
4100 Warehouse
4101 Condominium-industrial
4102 Warehouse-Cocky Storage
4103 Warehouse-Cold Storage
4191 Condominium-industrial, mutual area or utilize
4200 Industrial Light/Manufacturing
4201 Industrial Flex/R&D
4202 Data Center
4205 Avant-garde Tech manufacturing with R&D/Large-scale
4300 Heavy industrial
4400 Misc. industrial (improved); no other ind code
4500 Nurseries
4600 Quarries, Sand and Gravel
4601 Landfill
4700 Salt Ponds
4800 Terminals, trucking and distribution
4900 Wrecking yards
5x - Series - Rural
Lawmaking Clarification
5000 Vacant rural-res homesites, may incl misc. imps
5100 Improved rural-residential homesite.
5300 Rural property used for agriculture and/or commercial <10 acre
5400 Rural property with industrial use
5500 Rural property used for agriculture and/or commercial 10+ acre
5600 Rural property in transition to a college utilise
5700 Vacant rural land, not usable fifty-fifty for agriculture
5800 Improved rural land, not-renewal Williamson Act
5900 Vacant rural land, not-renewal Williamson Deed
6x - Series - Institutional
Code Description
6000 Vacant land necessary part of institutional prop.
6001 Government endemic holding - vacant country
6100 Authorities owned holding - improved
6200 Secured PI
6300 Golf course
6400 School
6500 Cemetery
6590 Cemetery - Exempt
6600 Church
6700 Other institutional property
6800 Lodgehall and/or clubhouse
6850 Historical commercial
7x - Series - Multiple Residential, 5 or more units
Code Description
7000 Vacant apartment land, capable of 5 or more units
7040 Vacant apartment country, R&T 402.1
7090 Vacant apartment common area or apply
7100 Five or more unmarried family res homes
7200 Residential property converted to 5 or more than units
7300 Condominium - single residential living unit of measurement
7301 Condominium - residential live/piece of work unit of measurement
7302 Condominium - urban res unit in a higher place retail/office
7305 Condominium - townhouse style
7320 Condominium - single res unit of measurement, start auction
7321 Condominium - res live/work unit, get-go auction
7322 Condominium - urban res unit in a higher place, first auction
7325 Condominium - townhouse, starting time sale
7330 Condominium - single res unit, R&T 402.1, First Sa
7335 Condominium - townhouse, R&T 402.1, First Sale
7340 Condominium - single res unit, R&T 402.i
7341 Condominium - res live/work unit, R&T 402.ane
7342 Condominium - urban res R&T 402.i
7345 Condominium - Townhouse R&T 402.1
7390 Condominium Common Area or use
7391 Condominium - res live/work, common expanse or use
7392 Condominium - urban res unit above, common area or employ
7395 Condominium - townhouse, common area
7400 Cooperatives (divided)
7430 Cooperatives (undivided)
7500 Restricted residential income belongings
7600 Fraternities and sororities
7700 Multiple residential edifice of 5 or more units.
7701 Assisted Living Apartments
7705 Multiple-Res building of five or more units + commercial units
7706 Multi-Res edifice of 5 or more units R&T 402.ane + commercial
7800 Residential loftier-rise (7 or more stories)
7900 Church building Domicile
8x - Series - Improved Commercial
Code Description
8000 Motorcar wash
8100 Commercial repair garage
8200 Automobile dealership
8300 Parking lot
8400 Parking garage
8500 Service Stations
8600 Funeral home
8700 Nursing/Custodial Intendance Facility
8800 Infirmary (full general)
8801 Medical clinic/outpatient surgery
8802 Skilled Nursing Facility
8900 Hotel
8901 SRO Hotel
9x - Series - Improved Commercial
Code Description
9000 Motel
9100 Mobile home park package with improvements
9200 Depository financial institution
9300 Medical - Dental edifice
9301 Veterinarian Office
9400 One to five story office building
9401 Condominium-part
9405 Condominium-Medical office
9491 Condominium-function, common area or use
9500 Over five story office edifice
9600 Bowling alley
9700 Walk-in theater
9800 Drive-in theater
9801 Winery
9802 Winery, including retail/outcome middle
9900 Other recreational activity, e.thousand. rinks, stadiums
9901 Boat berth privately owned
9902 Subsurface right-oil, gas, mineral
9905 Fitness Middle/Health Club/Gym
9910 Museums, Historical Societies/Clubs
9999 P19 - Intergenerational Transfers
Revised 3/24/05
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Source: https://www.acgov.org/MS/prop/useCodeList.aspx

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