It Is Art in Motion as Well as the Art of Motion Quote

Change means motility. Movement means friction. Merely in the frictionless vacuum of a nonexistent abstract world tin movement or modify occur without that annoying friction of disharmonize. (Saul Alinsky)

Where there is water, there is movement, infinite, and reflection. Add to that climatic moods and variations... and we have a delightful diversity to stimulate and educate. (Kathryn Amisson)

Dance starting time. Think later. It's the natural guild. (Samuel Beckett)

Life is in a perpetual spontaneous motility and free. The art of all arts is to capture a 3-dimensional contextual moment. If you cling to it yous won't capture it and if yous do non stay alert you'll miss information technology. (Philippe Benichou)

In fine art, as music, there are rhythms, movements, menstruation and ebb... (Betty Jean Billups)

Ten-yr-onetime boys move differently than middle-aged women, who move differently than athletic guys, who move differently than government bureaucrats. (Brad Bird)

When objects shattered into fragments appeared in my painting about 1909, this for me was a way of getting closest to the object... Fragmentation helped me to establish space and movement in infinite. (Georges Braque)

In life, as in art, the cute moves in curves. (Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton)

It whirls, it whirls. (Alexander Calder)

We shall however develop a movement that will be distinctive equally our native landscape... (Franklin Carmichael)

Allow the motion be slow and savor of solidity at the base and rise quivering to the tree tops and to the sky, always rise to meet it joyously and tremulously... the spirit must be... perpetually moving through, carrying on and inducing a thirst for more than and a want to ascent. (Emily Carr)

All motility is cyclic. It circulates to the limits of its possibilities and then returns to its starting point. (Robert Collier)

The momentary visual delights of life in motion is the motion of the observer – me. If I don't do a cartoon immediately, if only a brief sketch, information technology's gone. (Warren Criswell)

I wanted to meet how fast you tin go before it becomes nonsensical, a mess. (Chris Cunningham)

Y'all guard against disuse, in general, and stagnation, by moving, past continuing to move. (Mary Daly)

The motion of preconceived rhythm is intensified... by co-ordinating colour and contour. (Andrew Dasburg)

Art is the choreography of thought and move. (Ginia A. Davis)

People call me the painter of dancers, but I really wish to capture movement itself. (Edgar Degas)

Information technology was a tradition to represent a dancer frozen in a chosen position, like a snapshot. I broke away from this tradition by superimposing postures, blending light and motion and scrambling the planes. (Sonia Delaunay)

Dancing is the poetry of the foot. (John Dryden)

Everything is in movement. Everything flows. Everything is vibrating. (Dr. Wayne Dyer)

My monumental netted sculptural environments motility through time, blithe past an ever-changing 'wind choreography,' making invisible air currents suddenly visible to the human being middle. I make living, breathing pieces that respond to the forces of nature - current of air, low-cal, water. (Janet Echelman)

We float effortlessly in the ethereal tide of the movement of the rhythms of nature and the vibrations of the pulse of life. (Ian Gene)

Be sure brain is in gear, before putting brush in motion... (Elle Fagan)

All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move. (Benjamin Franklin)

I retrieve seeing this Picasso drawing of a horse where he had erased a couple of legs and redrawn them. It really gave the drawing movement – not merely concrete motility, but phantom movement. The thing moved intellectually. (Elliott Green)

Breath, movement, intent, hesitation, stillness as a posture are all manifesting both the catamenia of the movement and the result of that menstruation. (Cherie Hanson)

Music loud, I tin't help simply wiggle a scrap and I think that movement finds its manner into the paintings... I tin can see information technology in the strokes. (Laura Harris)

Things should all be moving toward the expression of a great idea. (Robert Henri)

At the root of all the various manifestations of dancing lies the mutual impulse to resort to move to externalize emotional states which we cannot externalize by rational means. (Jamake Highwater)

The production of move and counter-movement is tension. When tension-working strength is expressed, it endows the piece of work of art with the living consequence of coordinated, though opposing, forces. (Hans Hofmann)

A moving energy force tin can entertain the middle with its irregular patterns of value. (Jane R. Hofstetter)

Because of the nature of what it is I'm painting, I tin't sit there and paint information technology. It's all moving. (John Horton)

The true end of fine art is not to imitate a fixed material condition, only to correspond a living emotion. (George Inness)

The moving epitome is the most powerful medium of communication. At some conscious or unconscious level, people simply believe their optics. (Tim Jenison)

The artist is concerned not with a single focal point but with the unfolding of many layers of movement within a fluid linguistic communication of images. (Una Johnson)

The systems-biology model of existence suggests that if we look and listen, we volition encounter that every thing is in a continuous dynamic dance which never stands all the same, never is in solitude, and never stops dancing, nor does it end. (David S. Jones)

Everything is in constant flux, from land to state, from practiced to bad and back once again... only in transmutation, perpetual motility, lies truth. (Asger Jorn)

Stroke followed stroke with the velocity of light. The movement of my manus was interrupted but by the human action of changing colors. (Carole Katchen)

People in move are wonderful to photo. Information technology means catching the right moment... when one affair changes into something else. (Andre Kertesz)

-on his art movement, The Void...
I did not like the nothing, and information technology is thus that I met the empty, the deep empty, the depth of the blue. (Yves Klein)

Eye movement is the name of the game. If yous continue the centre moving effectually the piece, you can get folks to wait at your slice longer than they will look at someone else's. (Eva Kosinski)

Learning is motility from moment to moment. (Jiddu Krishnamurti)

Polka-dots tin't stay lone; like the communicative life of people, ii or three polka-dots become motility... Polka-dots are a mode to infinity. (Yayoi Kusama)

-Movement a Little, Lose a Lot...
Your brain works better on the motility. There's no fourth dimension like the present. (James A. Levine)

Similarly, dance is non just a raging sea of unrelated bodily movements; the human relationship of those movements to one another is what creates integrity and integrality, a coherence and cohesion that the higher levels of our encephalon process. (Daniel J. Levitin)

Making a step forward can be a daunting task. (Ernst Lurker)

Growth, in some curious way, I doubtable, depends on existence always in motion simply a little chip, one way or another. (Norman Mailer)

There is movement and movement. There are movements of small-scale tension and movements of keen tension and there is also a movement which our eyes cannot catch although it can be felt. In art this state is chosen dynamic movement. (Kasimir Malevich)

I try to get at the inner construction showtime to re-create the movement inside the form. (Jeanean Songco Martin)

It is difficult to steer a parked car, so become moving. (Henrietta Mears)

How wrong are those simpletons, of whom the world is total, who look more at... color than at the figures which testify spirit and motility. (Michelangelo)

Simply as the earth is moved by the universe, you, me, every human being, every life grade, and every thing is moved by the universe besides. This motility feeling, the sense of the universe'south gravity field or what Einstein called infinite-time, is not just felt by astronauts. All of united states of america feel moved by gravity all the fourth dimension. (Thomas Arnold Mindell)

A modeled grade is less striking than one which is not. Modeling prevents stupor and limits motion to the visual depth. Without modeling or chiaroscuro depth is limitless: movement can stretch to infinity. (Joan Miro)

What I am seeking... is a motionless movement, something equivalent to what is called the eloquence of silence... (Joan Miro)

I'm interested in the movement of the optics across the painting. (Guido Molinari)

In bodies moved, the motility is received, increased, diminished, or lost, according to the relations of the quantity of matter and velocity; each diversity is uniformity, each change is continuance. (Baron de Montesquieu)

We can depend on the world being a perpetual surprise in perpetual movement. And a perpetual invitation to create. (Stephen Nachmanovitch)

What really interests me about capturing and suspending motion is that I go to feel something invisible and inaudible, equally elusive and fleeting as thought itself, and give information technology form... Maybe my paintings are all just petty fragments of the Cosmic Dance suspended in fourth dimension. (James Nares)

Y'all should draw not what the thing looks like, not even what it is, but what it is doing... Gesture has no precise edges, no forms. The forms are in the act of changing. Gesture is motility in space. (Kimon Nicolaides)

Trying to capture the beauty of motility is a lofty and elusive try... The biggest feat... is to take the medium of trip the light fantastic toe, which is so dynamic in nature, and relay that in the static medium of painting. (Nisla)

Nosotros're all moving, moving, moving. Isn't it prissy? (Charles Olson)

Thou seest how sloth wastes the sluggish torso, every bit water is corrupted unless it moves. (Ovid)

The least movement is of importance to all nature. The unabridged ocean is afflicted by a pebble. (Blaise Pascal)

A horizontal or vertical line lacks energy, compared with one that deviates from either. The difference between these graphic expressions is the departure between movement and repose. (Walter J. Phillips)

Some people tap their anxiety, some people snap their fingers, and some people sway dorsum and along. I just sorta exercise 'em all together, I guess. (Elvis Presley)

With all its diverseness and liveliness, color acts in the piece of work of art every bit blood does every bit it circulates through our bodies. Color is what keeps the painting alive and moving. (Joseph Raffael)

For in these two paintings the greatest and most natural movement has been expressed, which is also the chief reason why they have taken so long to execute. (Rembrandt)

The sculptor represents the transition from one pose to another... he indicates how insensibly the first glides into the second. In his work we still see a office of what was and we detect a role of what is to exist. (Auguste Rodin)

If the creative person succeeds in producing the impression of a movement which takes several moments for accomplishment, his work is certainly much less conventional than the scientific epitome, where time is abruptly suspended. (Auguste Rodin)

The soul has many motions, torso one. (Theodore Roethke)

- American Pastoral...
I was a biography in constant motion, retention to the marrow of my bones. (Philip Roth)

-to Franz Hauer...
At present, I am mainly observing the physical move of mountains, h2o, trees and flowers. One is everywhere reminded of similar movements in the human trunk, of similar impulses of joy and suffering in plants... (Egon Schiele)

To alive is to trip the light fantastic, to dance is to alive. (Charles Schulz)

-Moving Fine art...
I've been filming time lapse flowers continuously, 24 hours a solar day, 7 days a week, for 35 years. To watch them move is a dance I will never get tired of. Their sensual dazzler immerses us with color, smell, taste and touch. (Louis Schwartzberg)

Sweeping gestures from the shoulder permit you to brand generous marks, well suited to big scale piece of work. You don't get anything simpler than this - I'm sure it is the way the cavern men drew. (Stan Smith)

-b.1815 d.1902...
Come, come, my bourgeois friend, wipe the dew off your spectacles, and run across that the world is moving. (Elizabeth Cady Stanton)

The rhythm of movement, similar to the movement of huge oncoming ocean waves, leads to an impression of unchangeable infinity of the natural wheel... (Milos Vujasinovic)

Water is and so mercurial - fragmented reflections that are ever changing. It contains then many levels to capture in a higher place and below each surface.... similar a human being personality, h2o is always fresh. (W. David Ward)

Producing while on the move – isn't that all well-nigh the way art is washed? (Annette Waterbeek)

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. (William Wordsworth)

All creative activity begins with movement. (Joseph Zinker)


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