Arctic Native American Art and Crafts Arctic Native American Dwelling

Native Americans

Inuit Peoples

History >> Native Americans for Kids

The Inuit people live in the far northern areas of Alaska, Canada, Siberia, and Greenland. They originally made their home along the Alaskan coast, but migrated to other areas. Everything about the lives of the Inuit is influenced by the cold tundra climate in which they live.

An Inuit family outside their home
Inuit Family past George R. King

What kind of homes did they live in?

The typical materials for making homes such as woods and mud are hard to find in the frozen tundra of the Arctic. The Inuit learned to make warm homes out of snowfall and ice for the winter. During the summertime they would make homes from animal skin stretched over a frame made from driftwood or whalebones. The Inuit discussion for home is "igloo".

What was their clothing similar?

The Inuit needed thick and warm vesture to survive the cold atmospheric condition. They used animal skins and furs to stay warm. They made shirts, pants, boots, hats, and large jackets called anoraks from caribou and seal skin. They would line their apparel with furs from animals like polar bears, rabbits, and foxes.

What did the Inuit people eat?

The Inuit people were unable to farm and grow their own food in the harsh desert of the tundra. They mostly lived off of meat from hunting animals. They used harpoons to hunt seals, walruses, and the bowhead whale. They also ate fish and foraged for wild berries. A loftier percent of their food was fat, which gave them energy in the common cold weather condition.

How did they hunt whales?

In order to hunt larger prey similar walruses and whales, the Inuit hunters would get together in a large group. To hunt a whale, typically at least 20 hunters would gather on a large boat armed with a number of harpoons. They would attach a number of seal-peel balloons filled with air to the harpoons. This way the whale could not dive deep into the water when information technology was offset speared. Each time that the whale would come to the surface for air, the hunters would harpoon it again. Once the whale died, they would necktie it to the gunkhole and tow it back to shore.

It would sometimes take a number of men a long time to catch and kill a whale, but it was well worth it. The Inuit used all parts of the whale including the meat, blubber, pare, oil, and bones. A large whale could feed a small customs for a year.


Despite the harsh mural of the Chill, the Inuit even so found means to travel long distances. On country and ice they used dogsleds called qamutik. They bred strong sled dogs from wolves and dogs to pull the sleds which were fabricated from whale bones and wood. These dogs became the croaking dog breed.

On the water, the Inuit used dissimilar kinds of boats for different activities. For hunting they used small single-rider boats called kayaks. They as well built larger, faster boats chosen umiaqs that were used for transporting people, dogs, and appurtenances.

Interesting Facts about the Inuit

  • A fellow member of the Inuit people is chosen an Inuk.
  • The warm soft boots worn by the Inuit are called mukluks or kamik.
  • In order to marker areas and to keep from getting lost, paths were marked with a pile of stones called an inuksuk.
  • Most ninety percentage of the Inuit in Western Alaska died from disease later they came into contact with Europeans in the 1800s.
  • Inuit women were responsible for sewing, cooking, and raising the children. The men provided food by hunting and fishing.
  • The Inuit had no formal marriage ceremony or ritual.
  • After hunting, they would perform rituals and sing songs in award of the brute'south spirit.
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For more Native American History: Works Cited

History >> Native Americans for Kids


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